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Friday, 21 October 2016

An Open Letter to Mr. President

Fellow Nigerians,

Mr. President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,  Muhammadu Buhari it gives me pleasure to write you this morning from the office of the Direct Citizens Initiative of Nigeria.

Mr. President, it is our desire in Nigeria that your office will be an instrument of the desired change Nigerians need but one questions Nigerians did not ask was what this change is all about. Of course one will expect a progressive change from what was to what ought to be. Hence, the need for a more vibrant stewardship in your office as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

It has come to our notice that certain employments during your administration were done underground due to the very fact that it was hijack by some powerful individuals in your government. It began with the employment done in the Central Bank of Nigeria, Federal Inland Revenue Service and presently NAFDAC. I do not want to make my conclusions on this matter but to seek your office to carry out investigations as to how the employment was carried out and if there was indeed an employment that took place.

Mr. President, this Country belongs to everyone and as such employment should be open to all and not some selected few. It is possible you are aware of this syndicates and at the same time it is possible you are not aware. Nigerians need an explanation as to the veracity of this issue raised so as to give your government a score card in your administration. If this is happening under your very nose then it can be seen as corruption but it is also possible that you cannot be everywhere and the very reason I am bringing this to your notice so that investigation can begin.

Mr. President, I am not interested in working in any of this agencies but I speak for the majority of Nigerian Youths who are qualified to take this position and have not been able to get jobs since they graduated. And here is an opportunity for them to apply but the so called powerful people who feel the Nations Wealth should recycle round their grandfather's house will not allow an unevenly distribution of wealth. As a citizen of this Country, it is our duty to make this Country great only when there is transparency, openness, accountability, and the poor masses gain assess to to the common wealth.

I pray Mr. President you are not distracted for the reasons you are voted in office  as observed by your beautiful wife who you should value for her recent constructive criticism she gave your government. At this point Nigerians need explanations on very vital issues relating to your office. The days of grace are over.

Nevertheless,  I want to use this medium to congratulate you on the recent rescue of the Chibok girls and it is one of your key promises you made during your campaigns and this has been fulfilled. We hope that the remaining of the Chibok girls will see the light of a new beginning so they can reunite with their parents. We appreciate your efforts so far in your attempt to bring good governance to the door step of Nigerians but much more needs to be done. We have not lost hope in you but remember 2019 is by the corner and Nigerians are watching how this will play out in your good works and action.

Remain Blessed in your reign as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long Live President Muhammadu Buhari
Long Live the People of Nigeria.

Yours Sincerely,

Timothy Dokpesi Adidi
President Direct Citizens Initiative of Nigeria (DCIN)

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